Group Runs
GMAA Tuesday Evening Group Run
Dates: Every Tuesday
Time: 5:45 PM
Place: ECHO, 1 College St, Burlington, VT 05401
Details: 6 miles on bike path and/or neighborhood streets. Note: this group run is typically on the “fast side” with average paces around 7:30 min/mile.
Contact: Email Jess M.
GMAA Wednesday Trail Run
Dates: Every Wednesday
Time: 5:30 PM
Place: Cochran Ski Area, 910 Cochran Rd, Richmond, VT 05477
Details: This is a collaboration run with Richmond Trail Running Club. Come explore the trails at Cochran’s, Preston Legacy Forest, and the Rivershore in Richmond. Meet in the Lower Parking Lot. Beginner friendly. No-drop pace.
Contact: Email Nik P.
GMAA Track Workouts
Join us for a workout at the UVM Track led by the GMAA Club Coach. All paces welcome.
Summer Season: Thursdays, 5:30 PM at Outdoor Track
Winter Season: Various Days – see member newsletter or socials for more details
Place: UVM Track, Burlington, VT
Details: Coach Ben will lead a different workout each week.
Contact: Email Ben Groleau
GMAA Sunday Group Run
Dates: Every Sunday through Winter Training Season
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Volunteers Green, 286 Bridge St, Richmond, VT 05477
Details: Join us for a long run on the roads around Richmond, Jericho, and Huntington. Routes vary each week. Check the member newsletter and the socials for route details. Choose your own pace. Beginner friendly. All are welcome!
Contact: Email Nik
Want to Start a NEW Group Run????
If you would like to lead a new group run please contact Nik P.