We had the perfect July summer day to run the 41st annual Clarence DeMar 5k in South Hero, VT. There were 249 overall finishers!!
The historical society provided a great informational poster with the history of Clarence DeMar from an interview with Ray Allen, Sr who, unfortunately, was unable to make it to the race start this year. He was greatly missed!
Congratulations to Brady Martisus for his repeat overall win with a time of 16:14; first place female finisher Isabel Seay with a time of 18:39; and first place non-binary finisher Matthew Powers with a time of 18:43. Some quick times were run by all!
Many GMAA members volunteered to help make this race a huge success, including: Russ Cooke, Liz Champagne, Rose Bergeron, Gordan MacFarland, Chuck Spear, Ruth Blauwiekel, Martha & Bob Keenan, Paul Huyffer, Howard Kalfus, Harry Curth , Jim Shea, Tim Richmond, and Lisa Gunn.
Several local businesses generously donated prizes for our overall winners and to our raffle table. Island Ice Cream donated ice cream/sorbet for a cool treat following the race as well.
We are looking forward to another great day on July 4th, 2024!!
Kimberly & Shawn Lord
GMAA Race Directors
Clarence DeMar 5k
Hailing from Anchorage, Alaska, Silas was originally drawn to New England to compete in XC running and Nordic skiing while attending Dartmouth. Since moving to Vermont in 2018, he spends his time running, coding, and playing outside with his dog and family.