The GMAA will award three scholarships of $1,000 each to three graduating seniors to help fund their college careers. The three winners were chosen among many applicants, and were determined based on their academic achievements, community and school involvement, and their love of the sport of running.
The winners are:
Emma Chadwick recently graduated from Essex High School, and will attend M.I.T. to major in aerospace engineering. Emma was very active in high school, competing in cross-country, Nordic skiing, and track for all four years. She also earned numerous academic honors, as well as held leadership positions throughout her high school career. Emma has been involved in running since the 3rd grade, and writes that running “instilled a love for working hard, [and] for setting and achieving goals.”
Wondu Summa is another Burlington graduate, and will attend Franklin Pierce University this fall. Wondu competed for BHS for all four years, and will continue competing when he enrolls at Franklin Pierce. Wondu has also earned recognition for citizenship, has volunteered for other events at BHS and other Burlington schools, and is known by his neighbors to help them out with projects whenever he sees them working. Wondu’s running career has helped him become more creative at school, and has really enjoyed learning. He writes: “running has taught me so much, both on and off the trails.”
Isabelle Vivanco is a Burlington High School Graduate and will attend Smith College this fall. She will likely choose a major in public health, library science, or education, and will also compete for Smith’s varsity cross-country team. Isabelle participated in cross-country, Nordic skiing, and track, and was Burlington’s top runner. Isabelle also volunteered generously for various activities within BHS and for the city of Burlington. Isabelle says that running has taught her to be “mentally and physically tough in the face of challenges”, and finds her teams and the community of runners to be “endlessly supportive, inclusive, and inspiring”.