If you’re like me this time of year, you are dreaming about your summer racing schedule — and skimping on the actual training. Well lucky for you, in addition to the GMAA racing schedule, you can pencil in even more dates on your calendar with the 2020 GMAA Team Racing Program!
The GMAA Team Racing Program has a fantastic line-up of races this year and an awesome group of runners who are waiting for you (yes, YOU!) to join them.
- Looking for a tuneup race before Boston or VCM?
- Love the GMAA races, but want to toe the line in even more races around New England?
- How about registration & transportation for 8 races, a shiny USATF membership for 2020, and a speedy GMAA racing singlet for the incredibly low price of $100?*
Join the Racing Team today! We welcome runners of all ages and ability — seriously, you could be brand new to running and we guarantee you’ll have a blast at these races. Tell your non-GMAA friends, such as folks who did cross-country or track (or any sports) back in the day, that may want a competitive outlet and to be part of a fun team environment.
*Note: a pass is not required to travel with the team and participate in these races. All USATF races do require a USATF membership, which is provided by the pass but can be purchased separately here.
Find the full details on the Team Racing Series and how to buy your pass today here.
Team Racing Series
- April 5 – USATF Frank Nealon Boston Tune Up 15k Upton, MA
- June 6 – CVR Capital City Stampede 10k Montpelier, VT
- July 4 – GMAA Clarence Demar 5k South Hero, VT
- July 12 – Stowe 8 Miler Stowe, VT
- August 29 – USATF NH 10 Miler Auburn, NH
- September 20 – USATF Lone Gull 10k Gloucester, MA
- October 18 – GMAA Green Mtn Half Marathon South Hero, VT
- November 8 – USATF NE XC Championship Franklin Park, MA
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to either of the Team Racing Coordinators (Seth Kutikoff or Silas Talbot) if you have any questions about program details.
Seth and Silas
GMAA Team Racing Coordinators
Email: teamracing@gmaa.net